Terms and Conditions

Disclaimer of warranties and limitations of liability of Green Apple Studio Inc.

This site and all of its products and services are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Green Apple Studio disclaims all warranties relating to the security, reliability, timeliness and performance of this site. Green Apple Studio also disclaims all express, implied and statutory warranties, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

As a user, you understand and agree that the submission of any digital image to Green Apple Studio, as well as the uploading of material through the Green Apple Studio site, is done at your own discretion and risk and that you are solely responsible for any loss or damage to your images, loss of your images, damage to your computer, or loss of data resulting from uploading of material.

Except as provided in the preceding paragraph, and to the extent permitted by law, in no event shall Green Apple Studio be liable for any direct or indirect, exemplary, special, incidental or punitive damages.

At the time of your order you will receive an estimated delivery date. Please note that this is not a guaranteed delivery date for your order. Please be assured that we will do our best to ship your order as soon as possible.

You may return any item you ordered from us that did not arrive in good condition. No refunds are available for digital products.